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2001 Softail Standard
  • 2001 Softail in nice condition. Hybrid cam plate kit with newer style oil pump. Cam and adjustable push rods. Velocity Stack from CVA. Custom paint and chrome.
CGWFMST and badinfluence63 like this.
  1. badinfluence63
    My dad,God rest his soul, was a Softail standard guy to the end. He was 5'7 and felt he had more control of the softail. I as well am 5'7 but have a wife and the Ultra has mucho passenger comforts.
  2. simon002
    riding is a crazy thing , and start a love story may be more crazy ! now , i just share a site to find biker !

    w w w. biker finding.com . meet and chat with local biker !
  3. cowboy
    good pic , looks like a new model of my 94
    99 Softail likes this.
  4. Roadster guy
    Nice color.