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  • 05 wide glide efi,, this was a gift to me,, so i traded my 99 for some earthwork at the shack,,,,that's another story.. i put the fatboy front end on it and added a bunch of trinkets. i spoil it cause i can't afford to replace it.. it gets waxed and detailed after every ride.. heh heh,, ya i think it's called poser analisum
  • had the cam's done, commander, intake.
  • a few,,
  1. Roadster guy
    Nice color.
  2. badinfluence63
    No worries I was fine. "I bet Rose does too" lol!
  3. joshbob
    Saw the pic and the caption "therapist". So true.
  4. Givrsum
    oh man bi,, i prolly should of slowed down, i never know how folks like to ride. i also tend to be on a damn mission and forget to stop and sniff a rose every now and then.. i miss that,, i bet rose does to! heh heh... next trip hopefully i won't have a commitment like that.. and,,, don't go west, come this way for a coupy days then go north or vice versa..
    badinfluence63 likes this.
  5. Givrsum
    i liked my 99, i agree with the skinny tho,, that was one crack chaser,, whoops,, mighta been a good match heh heh.. this one handles 5 times better. i like the efi to, that 99 was a cold natured ole girl...
  6. marc 55
    I had a 99 WideGlide...Loved it except for the skinny front tire...Looked cool as hell though...
  7. badinfluence63
    Nice looking rig and she flys too. Never went any where that we didn't go fast,lol.