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Bike Talk motorcycle forum
Friend of a friend I met at the Denton 12 hour is a Grand National series expert rider, watched him qualify for the main at the Springfield mile on Speed Channel last week. His name is Jason Tyer, from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. He was at Denton trying road racing for the first time. He was riding on top of the bike, foot down, on a motard. You could definitely see his flat track roots showing, LOL. Anyway, his sponsor just sold one of his XR750s, this one, for somewhere around 30 grand, serious iron for the serious rider! I'm posting it full frame for detail. Notice the right side shifter above the brake. This ain't no street bike. It's the RC211V of flat track. The XR750 has evolved over 30+ years dominating flat track racing. Flat track is a sport that rewards drivability...
my?? is can anyone explain the difference between inverted front end and the regular front ends.thanks
I have a set of Screaming Eagle II slip on pipes. I love the sound but thier not quite load enough for me. I have been told to take out the baffles but I'm not sure about that; I know the 04 Twin Cam 88 needs some back pressure. Anyone have any thoughts about modifying the baffles??? and How to increase the loudness??? Remove packing, drill additional holes in the baffles???
I have a set of Screaming Eagle II slip on pipes. I love the sound but thier not quite load enough for me. I have been told to take out the baffles but I'm not sure about that; I know the Twin Cam 88 needs some back pressure. Anyone have any thoughts about modifying the baffles??? and How to increase the loudness??? Remove packing drill additional holes in the baffles???
I was thinking about signing up for the H.O.G. Posse ride, lower 48 states. Anyone ever been on one of these? I was curious as to what the $500 entry fee included??? Seems kinda steep to me!! But, I'm cheap..
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