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Bike Talk motorcycle forum
While at Daytona Bike Week I ran across the Rev Loc clutch sold by kuryakyn. I was able to meet and talk with the Designer Biulder Doug and Rep Dave {Pickleman}. They showed me the clutch and explailed how it worked.
Pushing 60 my hands ake from years of wrenching. Being one of the few able to have the clutch instaled at Daytona I am extreemly pleased with it's operation and performance.
I did have the stall speed lowered to acomadate my style of riding. Then I headed for Main St. for once it was a pleasure to creep along with everybody else ,while never pulling the clutch lever once. Up shifting is a breeze and gearing down no different.
Ever heard the saying "Try it you'll like it"
Pushing 60 my hands ake from years of wrenching. Being one of the few able to have the clutch instaled at Daytona I am extreemly pleased with it's operation and performance.
I did have the stall speed lowered to acomadate my style of riding. Then I headed for Main St. for once it was a pleasure to creep along with everybody else ,while never pulling the clutch lever once. Up shifting is a breeze and gearing down no different.
Ever heard the saying "Try it you'll like it"
Haven't started yet, but putting some Accutronix triple trees on a 94 Dyna. Anyone got any technical advise on the removal or install before I get started to make the transition smoother?
I have an American Ironhorse Classic 2001 with a 107 in it. Does anyone know if the V&H big radius pipes fit? If not what is a comperablerable pipe, the Martin Brothers slicksta's or WTFS with the torque cones? Suggestions appreciated.
2 into 1 exhaust which is best for DWG, V&H or Hard Chrome
HELP...New bike...no problems until covered with non-breathable tarp. Turned key on console; no neutrel light; no fuel pump, etc. Anyone know what I can do? help.......P.S.-fuel injected.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM