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Bike Talk motorcycle forum
I just installed Stage 1 upgrades (Air cleaner and full exhaust) on my 2011 Heritage. Not hard, but now I need to take my bike in to remap the EFI system. How long can I ride before the remap? My local HD dealer can’t work on my bike until Weds and it has finally stopped raining. I need to ride!
OK, a buddy of mine has an 01 Night Train with EFI on it and he has a weird problem. When he pulls in the clutch the bike wants to die on him. I looked at his plugs and it is running lean and does pop on decel. Stock 88 with Samson Exhaust. Thoughts?
It has been a long time coming and I finally made the decision to Prospect with an MC. I have to say that this is something that I am going to enjoy very much if I make it, but I am very confident that I will. I spent this Memorial Weekend with them and I instantly found that there are a lot of people in this MC that I know which makes it way easier to be comfortable around. Not sure what else to say. Thanks for reading.
I have a '98 Softail and the starter clutch is starting to "drop out" as it's trying to start, sometimes. It still works, but I want to fix it before it strands me somewhere.
I bought a new starter clutch for it, and the manual says to grease the drive parts with Lubriplate 110 or equivalent grease.
Well, that crap must be made out of unobtainium because I can't find it at any auto parts around here, or online unless I want to buy a 55Gal drum or a gross of tubes of it. Do any of you know what I can use for a substitute for this grease. I'd like to get something as close as possible to what is called for, or something better.
I bought a new starter clutch for it, and the manual says to grease the drive parts with Lubriplate 110 or equivalent grease.
Well, that crap must be made out of unobtainium because I can't find it at any auto parts around here, or online unless I want to buy a 55Gal drum or a gross of tubes of it. Do any of you know what I can use for a substitute for this grease. I'd like to get something as close as possible to what is called for, or something better.
morning guys !got the 1340 cv performance kit this morning .all is good there . the question that I have is the cv performance needle that came in the kit . is it the same across the board for the big twin 1340 and 1450 it seems to look the same as far as taper goes? not that is a problem because the jetting is not ofcourse .just for my own info . thanks in advance
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM